Saturday, 28 April 2018



*Fateemah Sumda*

Mental disorders are illnesses that affect mood ,thinking and behaviour of a person. They include depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorder and even addictive behavior, etc.
Stigmatization is one of the challenges faced by many individuals all around the world. One can be stigmatized because of his/her race,gender,looks or even diseases.
Mental disorders  are probably the most stigmatized diseases. I define metal illness stigmatization as a situation where  persons suffering from mental illnesses are been disregarded, disgraced and considered unworthy to be members of the society. This issue of stigmatization has been existing for ages and it's due to lack of understanding and various misconceptions of the disorders. Mentally ill persons are considered unworthy to be a members of the society. So no much  care is been given to them. They are rather left to deteriorate till they roam the street.
Stigmatization has made people scared of accepting to have the illnesses or seek medical help because they fear the social isolation they will suffer.The stigma doesn't only affect the sick individual but also their close relatives.
The misconception is so bad that if you suggest to a patient to see a psychiatrist it is consider an insult. You hear responses like "do you think am mad... " ,"God forbid..." etc.
They prefer to suffer than to open up and look for help.
Visiting a psychiatrist doesn't mean one is mad. It only means one is ill. I used the word mad because it is generally believed that a mad man is that half naked man roaming the streets eating garbage, and it is he who needs to see a psychiatrist. This  is false as a psychiatrist is someone you can choose to visit when having persistent head aches, Mood swings,difficulty concentrating and lots more.
Mental illness is a challenge and not a problem. All you need to do is accept the challenge and cope well by seeking professional help.
Build self esteem, interact well with people and even educate them about your condition. Join a support group if you can. Know that you will always not be alone.
 Remember you are not depression, you are not bipolar, you are not anxiety and even not schizophrenia. You only have a problem that has a solution.
Do you have or know anyone with mental illness...
Visit a psychiatrist today and stand against mental illness stigmatization.
*Looking for a support group?* Whatsapp through these contacts:
👉 +2347083349679
👉🏾 +2347066475176

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