Saturday, 28 April 2018


  I was told that I wouldn't  make it because of my illness  an uncountable times by several people including those that were supposed to encourage me that I can make it, there were those that didn't say it but  believed I wouldn't make it with their actions. The hopeless and weakest version of me was created,a depressed girl I became. But I made it at the end, and what helped me was my dream,the dream I was born with,the dream that is part of me, a dream to be a doctor,to be a successful woman in the future no matter who I am or the circumstances surrounding me, no matter the number of people doubting my abilities,with my illness or not,me breathing easily or not.
     Yes,I cried,I was depressed,I hated my condition,I hated the new life I got but that didn't break me down,it made me a strong person,stronger in a way that I've never thought I'll be. It painted my dreams with new colours that I've never seen,it created hope in me. It sewed a dress of courage,confidence and hope for me,and I wear that dress every time  and to everywhere because that's what keeps me moving without giving up. It made me a person that people look up to as an example of not giving up,as an example of miracle existing,as a example of anything can be possible,as an example that God is indeed merciful. It changed my life both positively and negatively but I don't care which one's more, all I know is that it helped me discover the real me,the struggler I am,a struggler for oxygen and success.
      I'll continue the way I am,I've accepted the life I've been given because I can't change it,it's who I am destined to be,but I can decide what to do with it,to make it positive and enjoy it or to sit down and watch people enjoy theirs. I've chosen the first,I'll strive till my last breath to make my dreams come true. I'll let myself shine because I don't need a glitter,I am the glitter myself. I'm a dreamer,a hoper and a survivor.
                                                                        FATIMA MUHAMMAD SANI

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